A circulatory loop: the reciprocal relationship of organizations, digitalization, and gender

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Baumgart, L.; Boos, P.; Braunsmann, K.: A cycle: the reciprocal relationship between organisations, digitalisation, and gender. In: Social Inclusion 11 (2023), Nr. 4, S. 160-171. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v11i4.7056

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In the digitalization debate, gender biases in digital technologies play a significant role because of their potential for social exclusion and inequality. It is therefore remarkable that organizations as drivers of digitalization and as places for social integration have been widely overlooked so far. Simultaneously, gender biases and digitalization have structurally immanent connections to organizations. Therefore, a look at the reciprocal relationship between organizations, digitalization, and gender is needed. The article provides answers to the question of whether and how organizations (re)produce, reinforce, or diminish gender-specific inequalities during their digital transformations. On the one hand, gender inequalities emerge when organizations use post-bureaucratic concepts through digitalization. On the other hand, gender inequalities are reproduced when organizations either program or implement digital technologies and fail to establish control structures that prevent gender biases. This article shows that digitalization can act as a catalyst for inequality-producing mechanisms, but also has the potential to mitigate inequalities. We argue that organizations must be considered when discussing the potential of exclusion through digitalization.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2023
Appears in Collections:Philosophische Fakultät

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